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Membership invitation


One of the most difficult challenges facing any church is  cultivating commitment and a sense of duty  among its participants. church  often treated  is  like a show, a  commitment to the body  Christ does not reach much further than being present at the Sunday service. As a result, the entire service effort  it falls on the shoulders of a few, while others are merely observers.


One of the visible aspects of disengagement is the low importance attached to formal church membership. Membership is believed to be optional, that it is at best a preference for some, but it really doesn't really matter. In contrast, the idea of salvation without joining and serving in a local church is completely alien to the New Testament.   In the book of Acts  Apostolic, coming to Christ was coming to the church.


For some, the issue of church membership is not important  priority because they have yet to appreciate the blessings and privileges that come with this type of commitment. For this reason, everyone's understanding is of paramount importance  the importance of the Christian and the benefits of Church membership.


What is membership  ecclesiastical?  


Church membership is a commitment to join a specific spiritual body of believers who have gathered in a specific geographic location for specific, God-set purposes. These purposes include: taking instruction from God's Word (1 Tim. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4: 2), preparing the saints for the work of ministering (Ephesians 4: 7-12), serving and building one another up through proper use spiritual gifts (Rom. 12: 3-8; 1 Cor. 12: 4-31; 1. Peter 4: 10-11), participating in the ordinances: baptism and communion (Luke 22:19; Acts 2: 38-42) and preaching the Gospel to unbelievers (Matt. 28: 18-20).


Who can be a member of the church?


Membership in the RECONCILIATION Christian Community is open to anyone who has confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, obeyed the biblical call to baptism, demonstrates a godly lifestyle, and has gone through a formal membership process.


What Are the Benefits of Church Membership?


There are many obvious benefits to being formally a member of the RECONCILIATION Christian Fellowship. First, it rules the community of believers  mutual responsibility. There are times when we all have a tendency  for spiritual drifting, but God uses care  older people and  other church members to restore a lost heart. This is how the local church provides spiritual protection to everyone. Second, the church provides the proper context in which believers discover, and then  they use their spiritual gifts to serve and build others  members  church. This, of course, also means that they are also themselves  they are the subject of this service and edification. Third, church membership creates an option to apply, then  ministries in ecclesiastical leadership functions such as elder, deacon, and  teacher. Fourth, it is  powers  to privileges reserved for church members such as church wedding, formal biblical counseling, and  financial  support, if any  a justified biblical need.


What Are the Responsibilities of Church Membership?


The commitment that arises from entering formal Church membership takes on a practical dimension in the following responsibilities as a church member: demonstrating a godly lifestyle, using spiritual gifts in faithful and self-sacrificing service, financial commitment to the church service, admonishing lovingly, and receiving rebuke mildly. and finally, faithful and active participation in the common worship of God.


How can  become a member of the fellowship church  Christian  RECONCILIATION?


The membership process includes:  


  1. Familiarization with the Church Statute  as well as with the publications " W co believe " and " Czego się ".

  2. Filing an application for membership in the church   on the hands of the Council of Elders,

  3. Holding an interview with the Council of Elders confirming the information contained in the application form and  understanding the basics and principles of faith contained in the publication "What we believe", "What we teach" and in the Statute.

  4. Admission to the group of church members on a regular basis  a service by publicly affirming a commitment to the church and its members; and  acceptance of the church's declaration to the newly admitted.


An invitation to serve


The New Testament clearly teaches that the church is the body of Christ and that every member of that body is called to a life of consecration  Christian service. Even a cursory glance through the pages of Scripture shows that "serving" is always ranked high among the necessary components of being a true believer. The Lord Jesus Christ, undoubtedly the only one who rightly deserves to be served, said: "The Son of man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). It was Christ who gave His disciples the most visible example of service when He humbled Himself by serving them, washing their feet (John 13: 14-15).


Today's thinking often reduces the service of God to tossing a banknote in a tray or merely attending a service that cannot be justified by anything in the Holy Scriptures. Love is  work. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews tells his readers, "God is not unrighteous so as to forget your work and the love you showed for his name in serving the saints and in ministering" (Heb. 6:10). It clearly teaches that it is authentic and complete  inclusion  myself  In  life  church  is  biblical  implicit in relation to those who love the God of the church. He also goes on to say that they should not neglect meeting together because God has designed the church to be the place where each church member functions with awareness of  opportunity and duty to encourage others to love and good works (Heb. 10:24). Scripture calls all believers to  building  others in the church  by practicing the New Testament  principles of "one another" (e.g., Ephesians 4:25, Colossians 3:13, 1. Thessalonians 5:11) and by using your spiritual gifts in a collective context  the body of Christ (Rom. 12: 6-8, 1 Cor. 12: 4-7, 1. Peter 4: 10-11). Activity  guided by the spirit of servitude  members of the body of Christ are an essential ingredient of any biblical ministry.


We trust the Lord that  He will make you consider one of the many  opportunities to serve Him  in this church and that she will encourage you with a noticeable change that will come in your life as you serve what God has given you to those in need. The body of Christ is most effective when each part works together to make possible  meeting the needs of some people by the possibilities of others.   


For more biblical information about church membership, see the church menu , v  Doctrinal accents tab  in part Church membership .  



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